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The willows

What Have I Unleashed?


My experience all started on Halloween, 2000. I was at my best friend's house (Sue) and another girl named Sara was also there. We were trying to do something fun, well earlier that day I had went to a store in the mall and bought the Ouija Board that glows in the dark. I brought out the board and we all figured it would be even scarier if we went to a local grave yard to play with the board. 

We arrived at the grave yard around 11:50pm and found a perfect spot to sit, under a huge oak tree where the full moon shown threw the tree down to the board it was kind of spooky. We started the session with me saying: (I asked) Is there any spirits here who want to speak to us? YES (Sue asked) How many spirits are here with us? 3 (Sara asked) What was Elizabeth's real mother's name? ANGEL (She was asking about my real mother's name, I'm adopted) (I asked) Is there anyone here who died of a horrible death? YES As soon as that answer came we heard a loud scream from the back/left side of the grave yard (The grave yard is like the size of a football field, we were in the middle of the grave yard) we all ran and jumped into my car and left. 

Later that night when we all were sleeping I was awaken by the same scream we heard in the grave yard, I sat up since I was laying on the floor, and looked up on the bed at my friends to see if they were playing a prank on me. 

Which they both were passed out sleeping. The next morning we were making brunch when I asked my girlfriends if they heard that scream last night when we were sleeping, they both looked at each other and then back to me and said "No Elizabeth we didn't hear nothing last night". The rest of the day was alright until I returned to my own home and was sleeping and I was awakened again to the same scream. 

That had happened for about two good months of being awakened hearing the scream, until one night I was asleep when I was again awakened to the scream. This time instead of it just going away I started to smell this god awful smell (like rotten eggs) in my room. I looked around for the suspect of the smell but I couldn't find anything. 

I laid back down and had drifted back to sleep when I was touched on my left foot. I sat up in bed and there sitting on the foot of my bed was this lady. She was dressed in all black with a black veil covering her eye's... 

I asked her what she wanted, she opened her mouth and all that came out was that god awful scream again and she vanished into thin air. I have heard the screams and the smells since then, but the lady I have never seen her again.
